Sunday, May 22, 2011


2 Cups Sushi Rice
3 Tbsp Rice Vinegar
3-4 sheets of seaweed (nori)
fine carrots sticks
fine cucumber sticks
Wattie's chicken in a can with lite mayo

Make sushi rice (as per instructions on packet). When cooked add 3 Tbsp of Rice vinegar mix and allow rice to cool. Using a wet sushi mat spread out your rice onto nori leaving around 5cm space at one end, place your vegetables and chicken and roll securely. A good tip is to cover your sushi roll in gladwrap and refrigerate for half an hour before cutting with a sharp knife. This is really good dipped in soya sauce or mayo. Enjoy!

Tuesday, May 17, 2011


Thomas and Madison are our new 'Health Leaders'. They spoke at assembly on Friday about:
The importance of drinking water and keeping fit. Thomas has an exciting recipe for the school newsletter on Monday 23rd of May. Keep an eye out for this, it will be published here on the blog too.
We are also working with the PALS to start a lunchtime running club for middle and senior students. This will keep us fit over winter and help prepare us for the Crosscountry.

Tuesday, June 15, 2010

Week 9 update

Have you cheked out the healthy recipes from the student council in the newsletter?
They are a chocolate chip with apricots and nuts, and another recipe is oriental noodle salad. Next week we will be having a confidence course for the juniors on a sunny day.
by Paige

Thursday, June 3, 2010

Health blog of the week- Week 7

In everything we do and say at East Taieri school we encourage everyone to make good choices about caring for themselves and others.

Stand up for others

Be kind and thoughtful towards others

Treat others the same

Make sure everyone is included

Have a positive attitude

Try new things

Take on challenges

Eat heath food

Keep yourself fit

Do things that make you happy

Keep yourself clean

Have plenty of rest

Have regular exercise

Be sun smart

Make sure that you are safe


Health blog of the week

Tuesday, May 25, 2010

Our Vision

At our last School Council meeting we came up with this vision for our Health Committee.

In everything we do and say at East Taieri School we encourage everyone to make good choices about caring for themselves and others.